Chewing Gum Banned in Singapore (Since 1992)

One of the popular questions among tourist to Singapore, "No chewing gum in Singapore ?" It might not be surprising to Singapore as the banned has been implemented more than two decades back.

What could have prompt the government to take such extreme measures ? That was because of the increasing inconsiderate people eating chewing gum, spitting and sticking them almost everywhere. It has been such a big hassle to clean up chewing gums stain left on the streets floors, public transport seats and other areas. Cleaning costs for clearing the chewing gums are getting enormous and Singapore, trying to portray itself as a clean and green country, banned chewing gum which came into effect in 1992.

Related: Fines In Singapore For Spitting In Public

The law prohibits the personal use of chewing gum and also any kinds of way to bring the gum into Singapore. However, the government loosen the ban in 2004, where chewing gum of therapeutic value was allowed in Singapore under United-States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.

Related: Corrective Work Order And Fines For Littering In Public

If it was the public issues that are causing the ban in Singapore, how about non-stick chewing gum ? In an article which I saw last year, Revolymer has developed the world's 1st non-stick chewing gum and would that helps to lift the ban in Singapore which was been effected for more than 2 decades from now ?

Under the law, no gum is allowed to be bought or sold inside Singapore and there is a $500 fine for spitting out gum on the streets.

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