Corrective Work Order and Fines for Littering in Public in Singapore

Singapore has a very good reputation as a clean and green city and this cannot be achieve without strict enforcement on littering. While getting a fine is just part of the penalty, the government have passed down laws to tackle these litterbugs by hurting their pride as well. By just casual throwing rubbish onto the ground in the public, not only you could be fined $300 as a first time offender, you may also face a court hearing which earn you a "chance" for public cleaning. That is the Corrective Work Order.

Related: Chewing Gums Banned In Singapore

What is Corrective Work Order (CWO) Scheme ?

Corrective Work Order was first introduced in November 1992 to reform litterbugs. This act was considered as a form of counseling, reflecting to them the hardship cleaners faced while cleaning up the public places. Litterbugs would be required to accomphlish a certain amount of service hours picking up rubbish in public places. To make things worse, offenders are required to wear a bright orange jersey, identifying themselves as the litterbugs while cleaning up the areas. This bring shame to them and hopes that they would not repeat their acts again.

Harsher Penalties For Litterbugs

To tackle litterbugs rising in recent years, the Environmental Public Health Act has been amended to discourage those that behave irresponsibly. The courtroom fines for littering offenders was doubled since April 2014 to $2,000 for first offence, $4,,000 for second offence and $10,000 for third and subsequent offences.
Updated on 23 September 2014


  1. Littering in public is a high theft anywhere in the United States now-a-days. Its extremely dangerous and bad for the environment.

    -Land Source Container Service, Inc.
    Rubbish Removal

  2. I saw people are just anyhow throwing cigarette butts at the side of McDonald, causeway point( woodlands) . But, no body comes and charges for the fines . I want to know that it is allowed or restricted by Law .
    Thank you !

  3. Contact NEA to report Litter Bugs via SMS on mobile number 93632632. To request clearing of litters, sms to 93261762.
