Get Fined for Selling or Supply Illegal or Unapproved Health Product in Singapore

All health products (including cosmetics) that are to be import, sell or supply into Singapore must be tested and screened through by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to ensure that these health products does not includes any potent ingredients that might have caused indirect injuries to the consumers. The HSA takes strong views against these products to be circulated into Singapore and as implemented heavy fines and strong enforcement for those that supply or engaged in sale of the illegal health products. It is an offence for any person to import, sell and supply an illegal or unapproved health product in Singapore

Anyone found guilty of an offence under the Health Products Act is liable to a fine up to $100,000 and / or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Case Study

The Health Sciences Authority has found some cosmetics under the brand Han's that contain potent undeclared ingredients released in a news on 7th Feb 2014.  Six of the Han's products has been affected and the authority are urging public to be aware of these products.

Health Sciences Authority (HSA)
Health Products Act

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