LTA to Implement a Tiered Fines Regime for Repeat Illegal Parking Offenders

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced higher fines for repeat offenders for illegal parking. Starting from 1st Jan 2015, a new tiered fines regime, such that motorists who receive second Notice of Traffic Offence (NTO) within 12 months will need to pay a higher tier of fines.

A motorist caught parking a light vehicle along unbroken double yellow lines will be fined S$110, instead of S$70 if it is the second NTO he has been issued within 12 months.

The number  of demerit points, which are meted out for more serious illegal parking offences, will remain unchanged. NTOs issues prior to 1st Jan 2015 will not be taken into consideration when applying the tiered fines regime.

This is the first adjustment to illegal parking in twenty years. LTA commented that about half of all illegal parking traffic notices issued between 2011 and 2014 were committed by repeat offenders and the latest revision is to reduce the number of repeat offenders and hence decrease in the numbers of illegal parking offences.

Example of New Tiered System Implementation.

Addition of Second Tier Fines Amount for Illegal Parking Offences.

In addition, LTA has planned to install CCTV surveillance cameras at 40 more locations to deter illegal parking. It had installed CCTV cameras at 30 locations earlier this year which has "resulted in significantly smoother traffic."

As mentioned by Dr Chin Kian Keong, LTA's Group Director for Transportation and Road Operations, that after the new implementation of CCTV cameras, there were signs of improved traffic conditions in stretches of roads that used to suffer from obstruction caused by indiscriminately parked vehicles, such as Beach Road, Bishan Road and Pasir Panjang Road.

New Locations For CCTV Cameras in 2015.

Source: LTA raises fines for illegal parking. Channel News Asia, 22 Dec 2014.

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