More stringent penalties for non-compliance with safety regulations for lorries carrying workers

From 1st February 2011, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Traffic Police will impose higher fines for the carriage of workers on lorries.

In addition, for driver-liable offences, demerit points will be imposed on drivers who fail to comply with the regulations and repeating offenders will face court charges.

If the lorries are intended to carry workers, all light lorries are supposed to be fitted with canopies and higher side railing by 1 February 2011. Heavy lorries will need to comply by 1st August 2011.

This does not means that the owner of the lorries will be free from any penalties. In the event that driver-liable offences are committed under the instructions of the owners, LTA will also take court action against lorry owners.

Source: Land Transport Authority
Below are some of the new penalties as from 1st February 2011


Failing to fill up front seats first:
1st Offence $500 + 3 Demerit Points
Repeat Offence Court Action

Failing to comply with 1.1m height limit:
1st Offence $500 + 6 Demerit Points
Repeat Offence Court Action

Carrying excess workers (>25% of the allowable number):
1st Offence $500 + 6 Demerit Points
Repeat Offence Court Action

Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle in a dangerous manner:
1st Offence $500 + 9 Demerit Points
Repeat Offence Court Action


Failing to fit canopy on lorries used to carry workers:
1st Offence & Repeat Offence Court Action

Failing to fit higher side railings on lorries used to carry workers:
1st Offence & Repeat Offence Court Action

Failing to display Maximum Passenger Capacity label:
Per Offence $100

Displaying incorrect Maximum Passenger Capacity label:
1st Offence $100
2nd Offence $200
3rd Offence $500

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