Getting Fined for Mosquitoes Breeding in Singapore ?

Mosquitoe Breeding Notice at Construction Site
As Singapore is a tropical country, mosquitoes breeding is very rapid and causes a lot of health issues such as dengue fever, yellow fever, etc. Since then, Singapore government came up with a law on 1st April 2008 that a fine of S$200 will be imposed if mosquitoes breeding is found within your premises. The fine amount will be doubled for the subsequent offence and might also face court orders for the offence.

Singapore's National Envoirnment Agency has stepped up measures to make sure all the citizen do their part in curbing mosquitoes breedings that could led to dengue fever and related illness caused by the pests. This law does not only applies to shopowners, but at the same time, homeowners as well. Inspectors will be going around to check on the water in plants, pots to ensure that people are doing their part to reduce the risk of mosquitoes breeding. Under the current regime revised in 2011. (Updated on 23rd April 2013)

First time offenders are fined $200 while repeat offenders might face fines up to $5000 and/or up to 3 months in jail.

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