Over-designed Children Clothes Will Cause A Fine ?

Singapore is a very small country and our population is only 5.3 million at the current moment. The only resources we have here ? Humans. Our economy are not generated through sales of raw material but human brains. This is why we are protecting ourselves so much with all the regulations at all times. Meanwhile, the government latest round of checks on consumer products which they found our some of the children's clothing in retail stores does not meet up the safety standards which poses danger to the young future.

Tests was conducted to see if the cords and drawstrings on the clothes will cause strangulation and entrapment at the neck and hood area or freely hanging cords that maybe caught in between doors, furniture or escalators.

Given the strict laws here, the government is trying to say, "please be more creative, but in a safe way"
Anyone who continues to supply unsafe products may be liable to a fine of up to S$ 10,000 and/or jailed up to two years. 

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