Failure to comply with Remedial or Stop Work Order

In Singapore, the workplace or sites is governed by the Commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health. The Commissioner has the authority to inspect the workplace and if there is any non-compliance to safety aspects in the job site, they have the definite right to issue three kinds of Orders below;

Remedial Order

The Remedial Orderis issued by the Commissioner which requires the employer or occupier to eliminate the workplace risk or comply with a safe work practice.
Person failure to comply will result a maximum fine of S$50,000 and/or maximum imprisonment of 12 months. If the employer or occupier continues after the conviction, an additional of S$5,000 will be fined daily.

Stop Work Order

When the Commissioner inspect and found out a unsafe act that could be immediate danger to workers and/or public, they can cease the specified work until the employer / occupier carried out adequate safety measures. Depending on the scope of unsafe work, Stop Work Order can means a stop in a specified work or applies to the entire construction site. It would be definitely a time loss for the employer / occupiers.
Person failure to comply will result a maximum fine of S$500,000 and/or maximum imprisonment of 12 months. If the employer or occupier continues after the conviction, ad additional of S$20,000 will be fine daily.

Composition Fine

Depending on the type of offences committed, the fine can be determined at the Commissioner's discretion.
The fine amount will be a sum not more than half the maximum fine prescribed or S$5,000, which ever is lower. Prosecution actions will be taken if the fine is not clear timely. 

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