Singapore calls for stiffer fines on idling engines

Stiffer fines for repeat offenders who leave vehicle engines idling from June 1
One of the increasing concerns in developed cities was the increasing air pollution from the emission of the vehicles. These emission contribute to the increase levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, not only leading to global warming, but also contribute to increasing health problems and cancers.

While many car manufacturers are working hard to invent cleaner and lesser emission car (though Volkswagen decides to cheat) , the increasing number of cars in the cities will definitely fuelled air pollution further. As such, many countries' authorities are starting to create more awareness of emission and regulations to curb further damage to the environment. That is no exceptional for Singapore as well.

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Stiffer Fines for Offenders

As early as in 2008, Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA) has been actively addressing this issue and passed a law under the Environmental Protection and Management Act to clamp down motorists who leaves their engine idling. However, there is was a sharp increase of engine idling offences over the years, NEA has imposed a stiffer fines for offenders.

Starting from 1st June 2016, motorist caught leaving their vehicle's engine idling for a second or subsequent time shall be liable for a composition fine of $100, up from the current $70. If the composition sum is not paid, the offenders is liable to a maximum court fine of $5,000 upon conviction.

Related: Fines For Driving On Bus Lane During Designated Hours

Exception Cases

Though regulations apply to all motorist, but there are some scenarios which you will not be penalise.
  • Vehicles that requires engines to be switched on and running to power onboard machinery such as refrigerated trucks, concrete mixers, etc.
  • taxis/buses in queue at their designated stops, stands or terminals waiting to pick up/drop off passengers.
  • Law enforcement or emergency vehicles such as ambulances and police cars.
  • Vehicles undergoing maintenance check and inspection

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Reasons Why Turning Off Engine is Good for You

Staying inside the vehicle, idling the engine while enjoying the air condition ? It might be the best comfort at that point of time, but definitely not the best for your health and wallet. Find out why you should turn off the engine and how it benefits you.
  1. The vehicle emits carbon monoxide while it was idling and depending on the maintenance done, leak from the exhaust will caused accumulation of CO which reduces the amount of oxygen needed for breathing air. Switch off the engine and get out of the car. Step out of the vehicle to inhale some fresh air while doing some stretching. In this case, you minimise your exposure to harmful gases and release your body from a fixed posture that might cause backaches.
  2. Though oil prices all over the world dipped dramatically over the months, apparently it is not happening in Singapore. With Singapore's petrol and diesel prices (est. $2.30 for petrol and $1.10 for diesel) stagnant without much adjustment and economy downturn, it is time to save a few pennies by using lesser fuel. You can have better usage on the money saved.
  3. Mileage on the vehicles set only as a guideline on when you should carry out a maintenance, but excessive engine idling will increase wear and tear. By switching off the engine, you can lower your maintenance fees needed for the vehicle.
There is a great list of benefits that could help you and the environment, so why not give it a try ? Or you can get of Alon Musk's electric car.

Reporting Someone Idling Engine ?

If you have spotted vehicles with the engine idling, you can report to the NEA providing details such as vehicle number, location, date and time of the incidents via the following communication channels:
  • NEA Hotline: 1800-CALL NEA (1800-2255 632)
  • Email:
  • myENV mobile app (iPhone and Android)

1 comment:

  1. NEA can be contacted via SMS on mobile number 93632632 - easier to make report on-the-go.
