You cannot operate a massage parlour in Singapore without a valid licence

What is the fine for operating a massage parlour without valid licence ?
Image Credit: Flickr
In Singapore, it is always not difficult to locate a massage parlours as massage parlours has been popping up everywhere, from the city area till neighbourhood, operating from daytime till late night.
However, this has make it extreme difficult for those looking for authentic, good massage as some of these parlours are out to offer "special services", some are triads controlled for money laundering purposes and some even operating without a valid licence.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has conducted enforcement operations and caught seven massage parlours operating without valid licence. Some of the massage parlours were also found providing "special services" to the clients as well.

In accordance to Singapore's Massage Establishment Act, anyone operating a massage parlour without a valid licence shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 and to a further fine not exceeding $50 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.

Where to find authentic massage ?

Of course there are hotspots for massage parlours establishment are littered in areas like Chinatown, Little India, Jalan Besar, Middle Road, Jalan Sultan and Coleman Street. These areas provides a mixture of traditional massage and "special services" massage parlours. If you are not really sure, do ask before trying out the service.

The other solutions, to check whether if the massage parlour establishment is legit, you can try searching through the CaseTrust Accredited Business, Spa & Wellness Association Singapore or Spa Association Singapore.

Last but not the least, you can check massage / spa reviews from local bloggers to gauge the services provided by these massage parlours.

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